Do you think it happens often?How often do our Representative vote without reading the legislation?Only when Pelosi wants to ramrod the largest theft of taxpayer (your) dollars down your throat. We wouldn't want the American people to get a chance to read what's really in the "stimulus" bill would you?
1,071 pages. Posted at 11 PM. Vote at 9 AM the following morning. That's 100 pages per hour to read without a break. No one read this bill.
What? You don't you feel really confident that the Democratic party has your best interests at heart? You must be a racist then.How often do our Representative vote without reading the legislation?
Nearly every single time man... unless they were the ones that wrote it.
But that happens rarely... usually lobbyists write the legislation and then give it to the congresspeople to pass off as their own. Both sides are very guilty of this, so dont think it's a partisan issue.
Really its a matter of who's special interest you think is less evil.
Personally I think:
education, environmental, union and community lobbys are much less evil then...
big oil, tobacco, big business and gun lobbys.How often do our Representative vote without reading the legislation?Apparently very often. Look at the freaking mess we are in now. And this just didn't happen overnight. It's been going on for years under the control of both parties. Either they read the stuff and are complete morons and imbiciles or they don't read it and act just like the lemmings that put them there.
They rarely do, if ever. My own rep. has admitted to me that "they just don't have the time." BS - they should MAKE the time, it's their job - less hanging w/lobbyists, more time doing their "homework". It's AMAZING how much "legislation" gets shoved through, voted on in the middle of the night by a handful of "our" reps. - no discussion, no debate, no chance for US to respond, they also "slip" things into something that has been voted on and it gets signed into law without anyone but the sleazeball knowing about it. It's a favorite trick of creeps like Tom Delay, but he is by no means the only one guilty of this. I think we should be able to sue the SOB's that pull stunts like this on us. Dereliction of duty. If WE could stop playing partisan politics and start holding ALL of our reps. responsible for their actions WE could regain control of OUR country instead of allowing those who pimp and pander to "our" reps. take over and destroy us.
I once saw a video of Newt Gingrich "debating" an issue - he was charged up and really inflamed, he kept asking his "audience" to respond to his allegations, none did. I later saw the same video from a different angle - the bozo was the ONLY person in the room except for the camera crew. Yea, right, that's how you win a debate, debate yourself. I'm so NOT impressed.
This is NOT a spectator sport, people, we MUST get involved and ride these fools until they realize that they answer to US, not the pimp lobbyists. We also need to start riding our media to stop playing games with us - less Britney Spears more INFORMATION. They won't do this unless WE make them, if they won't listen to US, we need to start contacting those who run ads on their network, boycott etc... until they listen to US. The greatest country that has ever existed is slipping away, and it's OUR fault, we don't DEMAND better, and they won't deliver until we do.
My senator doesn't even RESPOND to contact with him, makes us do the "Texas two-step" to email him, and while our country is burning, instead of doing his job, he's hanging out with the arsonists. WTF???How often do our Representative vote without reading the legislation?Few, if any, read the entire bill. That is what the staff is for. The staff goes through and picks up areas of interest and advises the rep. If they had to read every word of every bill, there would be a lot less of them. Maybe this would be a good idea.How often do our Representative vote without reading the legislation?
they do not have time to read the legislation they are to busy
getting money from there lobby ists.and to much time in the
rest room with each Other.looking for a play mate.
All Reps that could not have had the time to read the bill should be voted out of office!
That is the only way to get people who actually work for us to do the correct thing.How often do our Representative vote without reading the legislation?
Yes, I think it happens all the time. This is why we need a Read the Bills Act.
They do it all the time William. There are a few who read legislation, but the ones who do not outnumber them. They just sign on in blind faith.
Now that the democrats WON! and Obama is prone to throwing tantrums I'm guessing they will do it in this transparent adminstration as often as they can !
Most of the times.....they spend most of their time out of the office raising money for re election. I am so ashamed of our Congress I could weep. I think we are a lost nation.
They can't bother to read the Constitution, and you expect them to read legislation?
Only when their great leader orders them too.
Somewhere in the 90's%
More times than I want to know
They have staff who read it and then tell them the major points. Get over it. It's been discussed and worked on for two weeks. The obstrutionist Republicans tried to block the bill. We compromised gave you what you wanted and now it passed.
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