Saturday, February 18, 2012

Legislation for sexual acts that result in a Disease that kills?

Do you think in todays day and age the law needs to set legislation against sexual acts like anal sex that produces diseases like aids that kill just like street drugs?.Do you think if there where jail terms for sexual acts that harm society that the rate of disease would drop dramatically? If the law was to bring in legislation into the adult entertainment industry do you think it would save lives ?.Legislation for sexual acts that result in a Disease that kills?You're too late, dude. The Supreme Court just 3 1/2 years ago said that anal sex is a constitutional right.

Should they reverse that decision? Yes, they should. They should do so because they lied about the Constitution. Sex is NOT a constitutional right, ..... like abortion is NOT a constitutional right. But will they reverse it? Who knows.Legislation for sexual acts that result in a Disease that kills?AIDS is not passed by anal sex alone. You can catch it from non sexual contact as well, dirty needles. What does need to be done is more programs to inform people like yourself who no nothing on the subject at least the basics.Legislation for sexual acts that result in a Disease that kills?No. It's the responsibility of adults to regulate their sexual behavior, not the state. Everyone knows the risks of unprotected sex - anal, vaginal, or oral - they all carry risks.

If a person deliberately set out to infect others without telling them they had HIV, and with malice, then they can (and have been) charged with crimes and ended up in prison. For most people though, it is not a malicious thing. Many don't even know their status when having sex.

Let's keep the law out of our bedrooms.

There are plenty of other things that are deadly that we could have laws about - how about banning McDonalds and smoking? Both are known to killLegislation for sexual acts that result in a Disease that kills?
I believe it is a law, and has been for some time, that if you have a communicable disease you have to disclose it to the other party involved. If the other person was not informed, and gets the disease, it is a criminal offense.

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