Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What do you think of Obama most likely signing legislation to extend the Bush Tax Cuts?

And what party do you belong to?What do you think of Obama most likely signing legislation to extend the Bush Tax Cuts?Update: He signed it and why would he not have?

First, it has not passed! It only passed "Cloture" allowing it to go to the floor for debate and a final vote likely to pass tomorrow. It must then go to the House of Reps under Pelosie who has vowed to fight it to the bitter end.

Now if it gets passed in the House over the Wicked Witch's desire, then, it will go to Obama for signature and he has said he will sign it. Why not, he negotiated it. To not sign it would be Political Suicide after twisting so many arms to get it passed.

Are you asking if he will go back on his deal with the GOP?

I am Republican, What does that have to do with the Question? Maybe Republicans pay more taxes than Democrats?

Edit: @Reality: Stop and think a little. This does not increase the Debt since the Tax cuts have been in affect for many years. This stops them from expiring and therefore prevents giving the Liberals a De facto Tax increase by doing nothing, they were counting on it when they started giving away Billions in Pork. Better to stop increasing taxes and cut Federal spending by several Hundred Billion and that would be doing something good for the country. This administration has wasted more money than this in just two years instead of the five you quote. Let the Govt. get their grubby paws out of my bank account. I earned it not them and certainly not the bums they want to give it to in order to buy votes.

Proud VetWhat do you think of Obama most likely signing legislation to extend the Bush Tax Cuts?
I think it says that he's admitting defeat. When the Dems. were in charge of the House, they pushed for everything they wanted w/o Republican support, but now that the tables have turned, and the Republicans are in charge of the House, he knows he's going to have to work with them on this if he wants them to vote in favor of extending his umemployment benefits later. His own party rejected the bill he and Republicans proposed on the tax cuts. That speaks volumes! They're not happy with him folding over to them. But in a way, he is doing the mature thing. He's taking heavy criticism from his party and extreme liberals by working with the GOP, but he's doing it so that when it comes time to vote on extending the unemployment benefits, it won't get killed. Could you imagine the payback Republicans would want if they don't get their bush tax cuts? They would take it out on the unemployment benefits bill...I guess what irks me is that he should have been trying to work w/ them from the beginning, not just as a result of them being in control. It shouldn't have been like that... And I'm a Democrat.What do you think of Obama most likely signing legislation to extend the Bush Tax Cuts?I think him doing so would be the smartest thing he has done since being in office. And just for your information, it really is not a 'tax cut' .. it is merely an extension of the present tax rates. That 'bush tax cut' word is all a media created buzz word, to try and stir up feelings against the bill. The rates stay the same as they have been for several years, if it gets passed and signed.

Simply stated, Obama sees plainly that if he didn't sign it, he is most assuredly kissing a second term goodbye!What do you think of Obama most likely signing legislation to extend the Bush Tax Cuts?
I think it's humiliating for him. LOL
Did you see the votes for/against? Everyone was against Obama. :)

It's keeping the economy going by not taxing to death the people who create jobs. They'll never get it ....What do you think of Obama most likely signing legislation to extend the Bush Tax Cuts?He didn't have the votes.

I hope Cons are happy about increasing the Debt a few hundred BILLION dollars.

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