You seem to be UNFAMILIAR with Senate rules put into place while Republicans were in the majority. Lots of legislation cleared the financial reforms and even a PUBLIC OPTION for health care, only to be S L O W E D down in the Senate. There are all sorts of parliamentary rules and procedures that make watching C-SPAN2 really b-o-r-i-n-g, and there are dirty tricks that the minority party (in this case, the GOP) can pull to BLOCK things (like CANCELING meetings on vital issues...sort of EXTORTION, but "legal"). More than 200 consumer-protecting or jobs-creating legislations were PASSED in spite of the dirty tricks and filibustering of the SAY NO Republicans, and were then signed into LAW by the Democrats (liberals included). See and also for more details.
"Point of Order" (to quote a Senator), your insistence on assuming that Democrats are synonymous with Liberals (or "Libtards" as you so mockingly and erroneously suggest) is yet another inaccuracy in your query. Most Democrats are a combination of liberal, moderate, progressive, and conservative---all of which usually adds up to Moderate. We are better with budgetary matters than the always-run-us-into-deficits-and-job-outs鈥?Republicans, and Democrats succeeded in doing something totalitarian-controlling Republicans FAILED: They reduced the deficit as of June by 8%---you know, that deficit that the GOP caused due to their FAILED fiscal policies from 2001 through to 2007!Why do Libtards keep blaming the GOP for not getting their legislation passed when they controlled Congress?Every party has to pass the buck to someone else, and lay blame on someone other than themselves, reps dems everyone. If you ask me, they're all a pack of screwups and need to be excised from government completely. Personally, I think we need to reboot the constitution and start from scratch and remove EVERYONE in office and hold brand new elections. Of course that will never happen, but it is what NEEDS to happen.
PS: In response to the filibuster, you do know that a filibuster can be voted down right? Owning the house, senate and executive office, you would think they hold enough votes to shut down a filibuster. Don't think that just because you're smart and know political workings that you're the only one who does. ALL POLITICIANS ARE CROOKS!! They lie cheat and steal for your votes and then do WHATEVER they want when they're in office. Learn that and learn it well, because until we break this cycle of Dem Rep Dem Rep Dem Rep, WE WILL NEVER BE FREE and we will ALWAYS be in debt.
That's right vote down the answer that actually makes sense and gives the power back to the people where it belongs. But I guess it's better to let politicians run our lives than for us to live for ourselves right?
Unfortunately these Libtards are narcissistic and therefore project the negative qualities that they have about themselves onto others. They don't want anyone to know that they are at fault. Hence, this is why they have the "Blame Bush" policy. Also they like to insult our intelligence by trying to see how much they can get away with.Why do Libtards keep blaming the GOP for not getting their legislation passed when they controlled Congress?Are you STILL pretending not to know what the filibuster is? Do you think we're stupid?
Every single Republican helps filibuster every single bill and nominee that comes up for a vote. Apparently you think everyone in America is so deeply idiotic that we cannot figure out what that means.Why do Libtards keep blaming the GOP for not getting their legislation passed when they controlled Congress?
That must be the working class (uneducated) assessment of the situation.
Ideas stink. Ah, that's the basis of politics in the world.
Have you ever heard of the term "filibuster"? Or "sixty seat majority"?
Ah, what's the point, just another hopelessly ignorant conservative. You can't cure stupid.Why do Libtards keep blaming the GOP for not getting their legislation passed when they controlled Congress?
The filibuster dumbo. Now You ARE the pea brain. The Publicans are masters of obfuscation and delay with their pious faces. Most of our economic problems originated under George (What? Me worry?) Bush.
You must be one of those Americans with a pea brain. Democrats will pass nothing until the Repukelicans stop calling them Libtards.
Have you never heard of the filibuster? Republicans have used it far more often than the Democrats ever did against the last president.
They have to blame someone else for their failures, and deflect attention.
WARNING: The following answer is full to the utmost brim with sarcasm.
It's all Bush's fault.
(Why not, that's what the president keeps saying.... he knows what he's talking about right?)
Why should I take your question seriously when you use name-calling and rhetoric?
They can't do *anything* right.
Great question.
cuz they need someone to blame.
The Party of No isn't called that for no reason.
Don't you know the Libtards never take responsibility when things go wrong
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