Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Would you support legislation prohibiting spanking your children on the bare bottom?

This is not a question if you support spanking or not, but if you think it should be considered illegal to spank your children after pulling down their pants and underpants?

Not if you disagree or agree with it, but DO YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL????

If so what should the punishment be?

For anyone thinking it's already against the law, I work in the field and can tell you that there is NO law prohibiting this.Would you support legislation prohibiting spanking your children on the bare bottom?absolutely not! I think the government is enough of our business as it is. I wouldn't spank them as hard as if they had a diaper on but a swat on the bare butt is good for them ever once in a while. I don't think kids get good ole fashioned spankings like they use to.Would you support legislation prohibiting spanking your children on the bare bottom?
Just to echo the others--it is none of the government's business. And I would hope that most parents, whether they believe in spanking or not, and whether they believe in spanking on the bare bottom or not--would see this as a totally unjustified intrusion of the government's nose where it does not belong.

This whole idea is just a progression of the movement to totally eliminate spanking. The proponents of non-spanking (which of course is a view they are entitled to have, and there are rational reasons for their objection) use the idea of banning bare bottom spanking to kick start their goal of spanking altoghether.

One of the first thing the nospanking proponents did was attack bare bottom spanking, and spankings with paddles, belts, etc. This was the camel's nose into the tent--and later they went on to try and get all spanking eliminated. They now want to legislate and criminalize it.

One would think that spanking kids on the bare butt is some real strange thing. The truth is that it was, not really all that long ago, more or less the norm.

And there are still parents (including myself) who find the traditional spanking method to be the most effective. Lets face it--the immediate objective of a spanking is to deliver a good sting (within reason of course)--doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose by having a layer of insulation?Would you support legislation prohibiting spanking your children on the bare bottom?I think it should be against the law. It's demeaning to the child. I think a spanking on the bottom is OK, when necessary, but on the bare bottom, NO! That borders on inappropriately touching a child.
Well since that is practiced in our home, NO I would NEVER support such legislation. We only spank with our hands, but I wouldn't support legislation saying you ONLY can spank with hands (no belts, paddles, rulers.....) I agree with the current set of laws that you should NEVER leave permanent marks on a child. It's also my opinion that spankings belong ONLY on the bottom, as that is the safest place to spank.

Edit: Just wanted to add after reading some of the responses, It's good to know people still are willing to protect our freedom from government rule. I thought after reading the title of this question that the majority would be in favor of this. It's good to know the majority still respects each others freedom to raise our children as we wish.Would you support legislation prohibiting spanking your children on the bare bottom?here we go again, government butting into the people's lives...u realise that all the campaign groups out there that support this legislation are actually funded and controlled by the government and institutions so that they can butt into our lives? so why support a law that's based on corrupted facts in the first place?

My answer: NO i don't support this lawWould you support legislation prohibiting spanking your children on the bare bottom?
I would be against that and think the government should not tell parents they cannot spank, however, I think it's more appropriate to spank over jeans than bare bottom
I dont care if it is legal or kid acts up they get spanked on their ***.....but yes i do think it should be legal and actually it long as you dont leave a mark. i have had several experiences with kids tring to get their parents introuble for spanking them.....cops will normally let them go...Would you support legislation prohibiting spanking your children on the bare bottom?

I don't need the government inside my house.
No, they need to stay out of it. You let them pass this.. what else are they gonna want to pass.
Yes, pulling down their pants requires time and could calm yourself by then....I have never spanked my children on the bare bottom...only through diapers or pants..
No, there are already too many laws telling parents how to raise their kids and many of those laws have destructive effects down the road. If the government wants the parents to be responsible for the kids, they need to get out of the way.
I wouldn't support it. It's not the Government's job to tell parents how to discipline their kids.
I honestly think that it should be illegal.
i feel that there is nothing with a spanking once in many people have been shying away from it and thats why the youth of today is so screwed up...........the im counting to three crap doesnt work and never really did......
No I would not support that
No. Spanking on the bottom is not a crime nor should it be. What would the authorities do to enforce it? Pull down pants to check for red bottoms? Enforcing that law would be ludicrous in itself.
I think there are many other more pressing problems the legislature might want to address. It's not for the police or courts to check the state of dress or undress of a child's bottom when he or she receives a spanking.
Too many laws already!

Though it sure ain't fun being spanked bare butt; but if they ruled that out then I suppose I'd get more and harder and longer on the boxers or on the seat of the trousers!

Bare butt; but not spanked NAKED!!

No, I don't think it should be illegal. If done correctly it is not abuse, and the government needs to stay out of family life unless there is obvious abuse or neglect. Perhaps if more parents were willing to spank, we would have some better behaved, more polite kids out there. Parents need to step up to the plate and be parents, and hold their kids accountable for their behavior, instead of trying to be their friend and being afraid to upset the child's feelings.
i would not like that........parents dont need any more to restrict what they can and can not do..........not into the gov.

running my life ,,,,,,,,,its like give them an inch and they will take a mile....................enough is enough
I believe that spanking bare bottomed is too harsh and I probably would support not doing it but to make it law? Probably not. Parents have the right to correct their children how ever they see fit as long as it is not excessive or abusive and spanking is not abusive. Beating (bruises, broken bones, blood is drawn, welts, etc) is.

I don't beleive that any government should tell us how to raise and correct our children. What if the government wanted to ban or out law time outs because it was psychologically harmful (which is horse crap) or was found ineffective in just a few kids? How unfair would that be? I wouldn't support that either.
I would NOT support such a law! We give nearly all spankings in our home over the panties/underwear, however in extreme situations there have been a couple of times when the childs bottom has been bared. All spankings, whether over the panties/underwear or bare are given with a lot of love, discussion and prayer. We do not beleive that the government should decide how spankings should be given that are given out of love.
It should not be against the law. I don't want the goverment telling me how to raise my kid. Do we really want to get the goverment involved in our homes? Do we all want to raise our kids the same exact way? I don't.
Of course it shouldn't be illegal.
Yes it should be. I think that it is embarrassing for a child to be naked, espically in front of the parents. Spanking is a quick and easy way to get the kids to stop what they are doing. I am not for or against it. I use it every now and then, but mostly I just do a time-out, and it works for me. I think bare bottom spanking should have a fine the 1st time and make them attend X amout of hours at a parenting class on disapline. Then, if you are fairly warned, the next time should be considered child abuse. I think over the pants is just as affective.
i don t believe in spanking kids its just another from off bulling u can sent em to bed early or cut some off there pocket money or sit and talk to them

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